Generating fresh leads for your business is vital for a healthy cashflow and keeping your business thriving. Without it your business will remain stagnant and will not grow. Read the guide below for fresh ideas on how to generate new leads. 


Identify your target audience.

The first step in your search for leads is deciding who you want to work for. Think of all your desirable factors and define your ideal prospect.. Hone in on the ‘problem’ that you will solve for these prospects. Ensure that you have a CRM in place. It is essential to track your leads meticulously, and not to rely on memory, email or Post -It Notes. Not only will this save time, it will put you in control, and maximise the profitability of the time you send on leads.


Website/ SEO

Create a high performing landing page to drive an action you want from your ideal customer. It means getting your existing and new customers to enter their contact details into your website, newsletter subscription list or by following your social media profiles.  In results, you will have sufficient customer contact details and information to provide them with latest business details and new product information. It will also help you build strong customer trust by making communication with customers easier and effective too.



The sole purpose of an ad is to get people to take an action. Otherwise, why spend money the money? If you want people to convert, be sure that your landing page and offer match exactly what is promised in the ad, and that the action you want users to take is crystal clear.


 Ask your friends for help

Let the people in your network know, what you are doing. Talk to people that you know socially and tell them what you do and who you do it for. Get used to consistently describing what you do and the results. Perfect that elevator pitch.



Content is a great way to guide users to a landing page. Typically, you create content to provide visitors with free information. You can include CTAs anywhere in your content – inline, bottom of post or even in the side pane.



LinkedIn is a rich resource for B2B sales, but it can be overwhelming. Update your profile, post weekly updates, ask for introductions, connect with relevant people. If you want to participate in a group, then pick one and be a regular, focused contributor. Business cards, providing your business card and requesting for your potential client’s business cards.

Networking and Events

Hold your own events. They don’t have to be big.  Run a series of workshops. Also, make sure to attend other people’s events and when you do, be gracious and support them – don’t undermine them or steal from their efforts. The ‘six degrees of separation’ theory is a powerful one in lead generation terms. Everyone you know or meet has hundreds of their own contacts, which if you apply the theory means you are only 5 contacts away from anyone in the world. Effective networking not only allows you to make new contacts, but also to build relationships which may eventually give you access to their contacts and network.



Social media competitions offer a great opportunity to capture the data of your ideal customer. Offer them something sharable as a prize and you’ll be increasing your brand reach as well.


Free samples/ trial runs

You can break a lot of barriers to a sale by offering trials of your product or service. Once a prospect is using your product, you can entice them with additional offers or resources to encourage them to buy. Another good practice is to include your branding in your free versions so you can capture potential customers too.



Email newsletters is a great place to reach the people who already know your brand and product or service. Direct mail can be used to send prospects information about your products and services, invite people to events, introduce existing customers to new products or services and much more. Any direct mail campaign should have a call to action, be it visit our website or sign up to our newsletter to encourage engagement. tend to be a bit cluttered, so use CYA’s that have compelling copy and an eye – catching design to grab your subscriber’s attention.



Who else is targeting who you want to sell to? Do they complement your business? Maybe you could work together on an offer, or an event? Think about where else your prospects may be. Is there a conference, an event, a workshop, an association, or a group that they may be in. Can you sponsor speak or attend seminars?


Social media

Social media marketing is a cost-effective way of generating interest and leads. There are a number of ways you can share your content via social media including blogs, videos, e-books white papers and images. Different methods are appropriate for different audiences, types of information and how when where you plan to share it.



YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world. One third- of online activity is spent watching video. People are more likely to engage with your product or service if there is a video explaining how it works and the benefits it adds to their lives. By using video you’re making it easier for your customers to make a purchase decisionns.


Webinars/ Podcast

Host a webinar, podcast or local conference with the aim to sell your product or services whilst educating your audience at the same time. By adding value and solving their problem, your audience is more likely to receive your message willingly. Plus, you’ll be able to capture their data for targeting then with messages later.


Write in depth “how to guides”

Just like your other problem – solving content, its important to create content with depth. By building a sense of trust with your customers, you’re more likely to earn repeat business.


 Word of mouth

It’s well recognised that word of mouth in the form of recommendations is the most powerful form of marketing. People much prefer learning about products or services from a trustworthy friend or business acquaintance that can vouch for them. Put a referral lead process in place which allows you to manage referrals, ensuring you are getting them and b) making the most of them. Ask existing customers to introduce you to other customers.


Finally, own your time.

This is where most small business owners, entrepreneurs and start -ups struggle. An endless list of distractions can result in whole days with no time dedicated to sales. Block out time in your schedule to prospects every day and to actively sell.