Have you ever felt like you’re coming in either too strong or too soft during a sales call? If so, you may be focusing on the wrong things.


The sales call can be one of the most nerve-wracking things salespeople and business owners can look forward to.

If it goes well, everyone celebrates. But if it doesn’t, people can start to panic.

What’s important to understand is that no one has a 100% conversion rate. Sometimes, a sale won’t go through. It happens even to the best of us.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t give yourself a better chance to succeed with a proper structure.


Tip #1. The Key is in the Preparation

Before starting a sales call, it’s critical to do enough research.

Know everything there is to know about the prospect. Identify their needs, fears, and aspirations. Because to make someone buy, you need a convincing argument and an ideal solution for their problems.

But you won’t know any of that without doing research.

It also pays off to know the market well. Understand what most people pay for, what your competitors charge, and where you stand in the marketplace.

Sometimes, you can also run into clients that can’t afford your services. Maybe they can’t afford you even if you offer a discount. It’s best to know these things before the sales call to avoid wasting time chasing dead leads.


Tip #2. Build Rapport

Decision-makers buy from people they like. Some offers may be very similar in nature that the only difference-maker that remains is the salesperson.

That’s why your number one goal during a sales call is to build rapport. And if you’ve been cultivating a relationship before the sales call, leverage that connection.

You have to get the other person to see you as trustworthy and someone who can help them. They have to believe you have the answer, not to mention you can guide them and help implement the solution.

Although you want to close the deal, it’s best to avoid being and sounding pushy even during a sales call.



Tip #3. Get the Prospect to Ask Questions


The best kind of prospect is a super-engaged one. It’s a prospect that wants to know more about you, your service, and your offer.

The more you can get the other person to ask details about your price and process, the better your chances of making a sale.

You have to try to draw the other person to a point where they ask you: How much and when can we start?


Tip #4. Leverage Facts


It’s important to start things out by focusing on the prospect’s needs. But you also have to back up any claims with facts.

Answer questions using stories, case studies, and examples. Clarify the process as much as possible to leave no doubt in your prospect’s mind about the value of your service table.


Don’t Give Up


It’s easy to give up after a few failed attempts. But if you think about it, you can build a successful business even just around a handful of good-paying clients.

It doesn’t matter how many times you fail if you keep going after new prospects. Don’t let your lead generation go to waste.

If someone doesn’t want to buy now, it doesn’t mean that they might not later. Leave yourself a door open and continue nurturing relationships that can bear fruit at a later date.